About us

Welcome to nopAngels, a division of Software Angels SL, where we are committed to democratizing access to top-tier e-commerce development. Established in 2015, our mission has been to become an accessible and reliable IT partner for businesses of all sizes, with a special focus on empowering startups.

Our Philosophy: Tailored Development for Every Vision

At nopAngels, we understand that every startup has unique needs and possibilities. That's why we offer flexible development models, including on-demand development, development for equity, and mixed models. Our approach is designed to align with your vision and resources, ensuring that quality e-commerce solutions are within reach for all.

NopCommerce Experts: Your Gateway to Excellence

As proud Gold Partners of NopCommerce and the only one in Spain, our team is a blend of expertise and experience. Our certified professionals are not just adept at NopCommerce; they embody a deep understanding of the nuances of e-commerce. This unique combination makes us adept at handling complex projects with precision and efficiency.

Our Journey: A Commitment to Affordable IT Solutions

Software Angels SL was founded with a clear goal: to offer affordable, high-quality IT solutions to a diverse range of companies. Over the years, we have stayed true to this vision, evolving alongside technological advancements and market trends, while always keeping our core mission intact.

Join Us in Revolutionizing E-commerce Development

At nopAngels, your vision is our mission. We invite you to join us in this journey of technological empowerment. Whether you are a budding startup or an established enterprise, our doors are open. Let’s build the future of e-commerce together.